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GraphQL has one standard way of defining the pk, which is with an id field.

GQLEntity come with an id field automatically, which is used for the pk.


GQLEntity extends Entity


import { GQLEntity } from '@data-client/graphql';

export class User extends GQLEntity {
  username = '';
import { GQLEntity } from '@data-client/graphql';
import { User } from './User';

export class Article extends GQLEntity {
  title = '';
  content = '';
  author = User.fromJS();
  tags: string[] = [];
  createdAt = Temporal.Instant.fromEpochSeconds(0);

  static schema = {
    author: User,
    createdAt: Temporal.Instant.from,

static schema is a declarative definition of fields to process. In this case, author is another Entity to be extracted, and createdAt will be converted from a string to a Date object.


Entities are bound to GQLEndpoints using the second argument of query or mutate.

Other static members overrides allow customizing the data lifecycle as seen below.

Data lifecycle


pk(parent?, key?, args?): string?

PK stands for primary key and is intended to provide a standard means of retrieving a key identifier for any Entity.

GraphQL uses the id field as the standard global object identifier.

pk() {

static key: string

This defines the key for the Entity itself, rather than an instance. This needs to be a globally unique value.


This defaults to; however this may break in production builds that change class names. This is often know as class name mangling.

In these cases you can override key or disable class mangling.

class User extends GQLEntity {
username = '';

static key = 'User';

static process(input, parent, key, args): processedEntity

Run at the start of normalization for this entity. Return value is saved in store.

Defaults to simply copying the response ({...input})

How to override to build reverse-lookups for relational data

static mergeWithStore(existingMeta, incomingMeta, existing, incoming): mergedValue

static mergeWithStore(
existingMeta: {
date: number;
fetchedAt: number;
incomingMeta: { date: number; fetchedAt: number },
existing: any,
incoming: any,
) {
const useIncoming = this.useIncoming(

if (useIncoming) {
// distinct types are not mergeable (like delete symbol), so just replace
if (typeof incoming !== typeof existing) {
return incoming;
} else {
return this.shouldReorder(
? this.merge(incoming, existing)
: this.merge(existing, incoming);
} else {
return existing;

mergeWithStore() is called during normalization when a processed entity is already found in the store.

This calls useIncoming(), shouldReorder() and potentially merge()

static useIncoming(existingMeta, incomingMeta, existing, incoming): boolean

static useIncoming(
existingMeta: { date: number; fetchedAt: number },
incomingMeta: { date: number; fetchedAt: number },
existing: any,
incoming: any,
) {
return existingMeta.fetchedAt <= incomingMeta.fetchedAt;

Preventing updates

useIncoming can also be used to short-circuit an entity update.

import deepEqual from 'deep-equal';

class Article extends GQLEntity {
title = '';
content = '';
published = false;

static useIncoming(
existingMeta: { date: number; fetchedAt: number },
incomingMeta: { date: number; fetchedAt: number },
existing: any,
incoming: any,
) {
return !deepEqual(incoming, existing);

static shouldReorder(existingMeta, incomingMeta, existing, incoming): boolean

static shouldReorder(
existingMeta: { date: number; fetchedAt: number },
incomingMeta: { date: number; fetchedAt: number },
existing: any,
incoming: any,
) {
return incomingMeta.fetchedAt < existingMeta.fetchedAt;

true return value will reorder incoming vs in-store entity argument order in merge. With the default merge, this will cause the fields of existing entities to override those of incoming, rather than the other way around.


import { GQLEntity } from '@data-client/graphql';

export class LatestPriceEntity extends GQLEntity {
  updatedAt = 0;
  price = '0.0';
  symbol = '';

  static shouldReorder(
    existingMeta: { date: number; fetchedAt: number },
    incomingMeta: { date: number; fetchedAt: number },
    existing: { updatedAt: number },
    incoming: { updatedAt: number },
  ) {
    return incoming.updatedAt < existing.updatedAt;

static merge(existing, incoming): mergedValue

static merge(existing: any, incoming: any) {
return {

Merge is used to handle cases when an incoming entity is already found. This is called directly when the same entity is found in one response. By default it is also called when mergeWithStore() determines the incoming entity should be merged with an entity already persisted in the Reactive Data Client store.

How to override to build reverse-lookups for relational data

static mergeMetaWithStore(existingMeta, incomingMeta, existing, incoming): meta

static mergeMetaWithStore(
existingMeta: {
expiresAt: number;
date: number;
fetchedAt: number;
incomingMeta: { expiresAt: number; date: number; fetchedAt: number },
existing: any,
incoming: any,
) {
return this.shouldReorder(existingMeta, incomingMeta, existing, incoming)
? existingMeta
: incomingMeta;

mergeMetaWithStore() is called during normalization when a processed entity is already found in the store.

static infer(args, indexes, recurse): pk?

Allows Reactive Data Client to build a response without having to fetch if its entities can be found.

Returning undefined will not infer this entity

Returning pk string will attempt to lookup this entity and use in the response.

When inferring a response, this entity's expiresAt is used to compute the expiry policy.

By default uses the first argument to lookup in pk() and indexes

static createIfValid(processedEntity): Entity | undefined

Called when denormalizing an entity. This will create an instance of this class if it is deemed 'valid'.

undefined return will result in Invalid expiry status, like Invalidate.

Invalid expiry generally means hooks will enter a loading state and attempt a new fetch.

static createIfValid(props): AbstractInstanceType<this> | undefined {
if (this.validate(props)) {
return undefined as any;
return this.fromJS(props);

static validate(processedEntity): errorMessage?

Runs during both normalize and denormalize. Returning a string indicates an error (the string is the message).

During normalization a validation failure will result in an error for that fetch.

During denormalization a validation failure will mark that result as 'invalid' and thus will block on fetching a result.

By default does some basic field existance checks in development mode only. Override to disable or customize.

Using validation for endpoints with incomplete fields

static fromJS(props): Entity

Factory method that copies props to a new instance. Use this instead of new MyEntity(), to ensure default props are overridden.


static schema: { [k: keyof this]: Schema }

Defines related entity members, or field deserialization like Date and BigNumber.

query getPost($id: ID!) { post(id: $id) { id author createdAt content title } } {"id":"123"}
{"post":{"id":"5","author":{"id":"123","name":"Jim"},"content":"Happy day","createdAt":"2019-01-23T06:07:48.311Z"}}
import { GQLEntity } from '@data-client/graphql';

export class User extends GQLEntity {
  name = '';
import { GQLEntity } from '@data-client/graphql';
import { User } from './User';

export class Post extends GQLEntity {
  author = User.fromJS({});
  createdAt = Temporal.Instant.fromEpochSeconds(0);
  content = '';
  title = '';

  static schema = {
    author: User,
    createdAt: Temporal.Instant.from,
  static key = 'Post';
import { GQLEndpoint } from '@data-client/graphql';
import { Post } from './Post';

const gql = new GQLEndpoint('');
export const getPost = gql.query(
  (v: { id: string }) => `query getPost($id: ID!) {
    post(id: $id) {
  { post: Post },

function PostPage() {
  const { post } = useSuspense(getPost, { id: '123' });
  return (
        {post.content} - <cite>{}</cite>
        {DateTimeFormat('en-US', { dateStyle: 'medium' }).format(
render(<PostPage />);
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Optional members

Entities references here whose default values in the Record definition itself are considered 'optional'

class User extends GQLEntity {
friend: User | null = null; // this field is optional
lastUpdated = Temporal.Instant.fromEpochSeconds(0);

static schema = {
friend: User,
lastUpdated: Temporal.Instant.from,

static indexes?: (keyof this)[]

Indexes enable increased performance when doing lookups based on those parameters. Add fieldnames (like slug, username) to the list that you want to send as params to lookup later.


Don't add your primary key like id to the indexes list, as that will already be optimized.